All-on-6 Dental Implants in Tampa, FL

All-on-6 dental implants, also known as Fix-on-Six®, represent an innovative and transformative approach to restorative dentistry. This alternative to traditional dentures leverages the power of mini dental implant technology to replace missing teeth.

The All-on-6 procedure provides a stable foundation for a dental prosthesis with approximately six mini dental implants strategically placed in the jawbone. This advanced dental solution offers patients a more efficient and minimally invasive alternative to traditional dental implant techniques.

An All-on-4 Alternative

All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implants are used in place of traditional dentures, providing sturdy and long-lasting solutions for individuals experiencing significant tooth loss. These full-arch dental implant systems offer more stability and durability than traditional dentures. For the 36 million Americans who are completely edentulous (or have no remaining teeth), reliable tooth replacement can profoundly improve overall well-being.

The All-on-4 system was designed to restore function to those needing full-arch teeth replacement. In this technique, four conventional dental implants are strategically placed in the jawbone to support a complete set of upper or lower teeth. Despite its widespread use, the system has some drawbacks because it uses large traditional implants.

Because of their size, traditional implants must fully integrate with the jawbone before a final dental restoration is attached. This osseointegration is characterized by the fusion of the implant’s surface and the bone tissue. Without osseointegration, the implants will not be stable enough to support a restoration (in this case, a denture) and will fail. Unfortunately, this process takes three to six months. This means that individuals who pursue the All-on-4 option must use a temporary denture for months before the permanent denture can be attached.

The All-on-6 approach, which uses mini dental implants, is a superior alternative that drastically reduces the treatment timeline. This method utilizes six to ten mini dental implants, offering enhanced stability and functionality for full-arch tooth replacement.

All-on-6 Dental Implants Features

The focal point of the All-on-6 dental implants system is the mini dental implants. These implants are about half the size of traditional dental implants, measuring less than 3 mm in diameter (or about the size of a toothpick). They are considered immediate-loading implants, meaning Dr. Cabrera can attach a restoration as soon as the implants are placed. Thanks to their small size and innovative design, mini implants do not need to fully integrate with the jawbone before the dentures are secured. Instead, they are immediately stable.

Our All-on-6 system supports a full roundhouse bridge—an alternative to a traditional denture. Crafted from zirconia, these full-arch bridges offer a much more natural look while ensuring long-lasting performance. In fact, zirconia is the strongest ceramic material used in dentistry today. Unlike traditional acrylic dentures, zirconia bridges can easily withstand daily chewing forces.

The full roundhouse design provides comprehensive coverage, replacing an entire arch of teeth seamlessly. Zirconia’s biocompatibility and resistance to wear make these bridges a dependable choice, delivering both functional and aesthetic benefits for those seeking a strong and aesthetically pleasing dental restoration.

The All-on-6 bridge is semi-removable, meaning your bridge won’t budge until Dr. Cabrera removes it for your regular check-ups. This convenient feature allows you to clean and maintain your new teeth the same way you’d care for natural teeth. The semi-removable design simplifies cleaning and ensures professional oversight, enhancing the restoration’s longevity and effectiveness. Incorporating this semi-removable aspect, the All-on-6 roundhouse bridge balances patient convenience and professional maintenance, optimizing both practicality and oral health outcomes.

In addition to this option, Dr. Cabrera also offers a permanently cemented roundhouse bridge. At your free consultation, she will help you decide which is best for your needs.

Mini Dental Implant Benefits

A reduced treatment timeline is not the only benefit of mini implants over traditional ones. Their size and design create additional benefits, such as:All-on-6-Dental-Implants-in-Tampa-FL-Luz-Cabrera-DMD

  • Versatile: The versatility of mini implants makes them applicable to a wide range of patient needs. In addition to supporting crowns and bridges, mini implants can stabilize existing dentures and secure full roundhouse bridges. As a result, they are a valuable component of full-mouth reconstruction.
  • Minimally invasive: Placing mini implants in the jawbone is much simpler than the surgical placement required for traditional implants. Dr. Cabrera’s technique makes the procedure both gentle and efficient. After the procedure, patients experience only minimal discomfort, and most can return to their normal routines in just one or two days.
  • Same-day results: Thanks to the mini implant technology, All-on-6 dental implants deliver same-day results with reliable and predictable outcomes. While a temporary restoration can sometimes be attached the same day as an All-on-4 procedure, the implants are not as stable. The All-on-6 process is finalized much quicker, eliminating the months-long osseointegration process. Patients opting for All-on-6 will enjoy a quicker transition to their permanent restoration.
  • Durable: Built from titanium, mini dental implants are designed to last for decades (even a lifetime) with proper care. Plus, their single-piece construction means that bacteria won’t accumulate between components. This helps keep the tissues around the implants healthy and maintains the implants’ integrity.
  • Affordable: Mini dental implants are generally half the cost of traditional implants because they use fewer components, their placement is more efficient, and fewer visits are needed to complete the process.

The Process for All-on-6 Dental Implants

Patients enjoy the efficiency of the process for getting All-on-6 dental implants. The process includes the following steps:

  • Consultation: During your free initial consultation, Dr. Cabrera will determine if you are a good candidate for All-on-6 dental implants and design your personalized treatment plan. She will assess your oral health, take X-rays, and determine the number of mini implants required for the best results.
  • Mini implant placement: The next step involves the careful placement of mini implants into the jawbone. This minimally invasive procedure establishes a secure foundation for the prosthesis. During the procedure, Dr. Cabrera will use a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. She will then drill a small hole through the gums for each implant, securing each one and ensuring a precise fit.
  • Temporary restoration attached: Following implant placement, a temporary roundhouse bridge is attached to the mini implants. This temporary solution remains in place until the custom-made roundhouse bridge is meticulously crafted in a dental lab.
  • Final restoration attached: Once the custom roundhouse bridge is completed, usually within approximately two weeks, Dr. Cabrera securely attaches it to the mini implants. This step ensures a durable and aesthetically pleasing outcome.
  • Maintenance: Post-procedure, patients receive guidance on the maintenance and aftercare of their mini dental implants and zirconia restorations. Regular check-ups with Dr. Cabrera help ensure the long-term success and health of the implant-supported denture.

Flexible Financing Options

At Tampa Bay Mini Dental Implant Solutions, we prioritize patient accessibility to quality dental care. With this purpose in mind, we collaborate with dental insurance providers to make options more affordable for patients. We will also help you understand your coverage to get the most out of your benefits.

For out-of-pocket treatment expenses, we also offer flexible financing plans through multiple third-party lenders. These financing options cater to individual preferences with various term lengths and rates, including 0% introductory rates. As a result, you can split your treatment costs into easy monthly payments.

Regain Your Smile with All-on-6 Dental Implants

All-on-6 dental implants are a reliable and cutting-edge method for seamlessly replacing an entire arch of teeth. The mini dental implants ensure lasting stability for a full denture appliance, like a zirconia roundhouse bridge. This innovative solution not only restores smiles but also elevates overall oral health. With a secure denture option, you can enjoy the benefits of stability and strength, making eating, speaking, and smiling much easier.

Experience the transformative benefits of All-on-6 at Tampa Bay Mini Dental Implant Solutions. Take the first step towards a renewed smile by scheduling a free consultation with us today.